We recommend the REKREACYJNA mixture for establishing house lawns as well as bigger surfaces serving as recreational areas.


This is a typical mixture for greens exposed to moderate wear. It is recommended everywhere, where there is need for a thick sward allowing for leisure activities, relaxation and family sports. This mixture is also suitable for sowing on playgrounds and sports terrain less exposed to wear. A lawn created with the use of REKREACYJNA mixture is aesthetically pleasing, and is rather slow-growing, it therefore requires less frequent mowing. We recommend this mixture for less fertile and moderately fertile soils. It has moderate maintenance requirements. A lawn produced with this mixture is resistant to frost kill.


Mowing height 4-5cm.


The mixture comes in a:

  • 0.5kg and 1kg box,
  • as well as paper bags, 5kg and 15kg
The composition
Festuca rubra rubra Rossinante 15%
Festuca rubra rubra Maxima 10%
Festuca rubra rubra Corail 10%
Poa pratensis Geisha/Geronimo 5%
Lolium perenne Bokser 40%
Lolium perenne Berkut 20%