The mixture PARKOWA is suitable for sowing on large surfaces which provide a background for architecture, as well as estate lawns, parks and partially shaded areas on weaker, seasonally dry soils.


Due to the range of fescues present in this mixture, PARKOWA is suitable for establishing lawns in areas less exposed to sunshine or partially shaded ones. The dominance of fescues allows the use of this mixture on weaker, seasonally dry soils. PARKOWA is characterized by high tolerance to varying habitat conditions. The lawn produced with this mixture does not require intensive care, it withstands draught and frosty winters and it is characterized by slow growth.


Mowing height 5-7cm.


The mixture comes in the following packing:

  • 0,5kg and 1kg cardboard boxes,
  • 5kg paper bag.
The composition 
Festuca rubra rubra Livision/Camilla 20%
Festuca rubra rubra Corail/Areta 15%
Festuca trachyphylla Bornito/Ridu/Nordic/Triana 20%
Festuca arundinacea Brockton/Rendition 20%
Lolium perenne Bokser 25%