We recommend the mixture GAZONOWA for establishing a decorative lawn on fertile soils.


This is an excellent composition of grasses for representative greens and house lawns which are less exposed to wear. GAZONOWA produces a thick, deep-green sward, characterized by high resistance to frost kill, which allows the turf to maintain a deep-green color throughout the year. The lawn created with this mixture is slow-growing and requires careful tending.


Mowing height 3-4cm.


The mixture comes in the following packing:

  • 0,5kg and 1kg cardboard box,
  • 0,1kg satchel,
  • 5kg and 15kg paper bag
The composition
Festuca rubra commutata Rapsodia,Longfellow 25%
Festuca rubra rubra Clemens,Rossinante 15%
Festuca rubra rubra Heidrun 20%
Lolium perenne Rokade, Esquire 40%