Swede, or Rutabaga, is a member of the cruciferae family and is grown as a forage crop or a vegetable. It is cultivated further to the north than fodder beet, since it is more adapted to a colder climate.


In the climatic conditions of Poland, swede gives higher yields than fodder beet (up to 1100q/ha), especially when the summer is cold and damp. Swede is a biannual plant with a massively thickened tap root and stem base. The nutritive value of swede is slightly lower than that of fodder beet and carrot. Swede is characterized by rapid growth and a short vegetation period: the roots are ready for harvest within 3-4 months after sowing.


The harvested roots are a rich source of vitamin C. Swede requires humid, but moderately warm climatic conditions, and it is intolerant to draught. Two forms of swede are cultivated at present, differing in flesh colour: white or yellow.